Saturday, September 19, 2009

Informed People for a Public Option

Recently saw a Downingtown West group labeled stop government run healthcare care which had a lot of misleading information. They were not open to differing opinion so I created my own group. Below are some quotes and my analysis.

"the government needs to eliminate the public option because a single payer system will bring down private insurance."
--Two things are wrong with this. One the public option is not single payer it acts just like a private insurance company it just has less overhead and no profit. Second your argument is that the prices the government can provide, without receiving taxpayer money, will be so good private insurance can't compete...isn't that what I want!

"our health care is the best in the world"
--While the US does have very advanced medical techniques the availability of these is EXTREMELY limited to only the very rich. This is why our life expectancy is lower than other countries such as France.

"arnt we over 9 trillion dollars in debt? there is no possible way we can afford a 900 billion dollar healthcare plan"
--Actually it is only 1.56 trillion and much of this is from the Bush Administration who, during stable economic times, increased the defect by over a trillion dollars. And if nothing is done to revamp the healthcare system Americans will have to pay more in taxes to pay for those who receive treatment from a hospital but don't have insurance.

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