Monday, September 21, 2009

Music Monday (9/21/09)

Taylor Swift has finally crept out from the shadows of the twitter world. She had not tweeted since the VMA incident and many fans were worried that she was going to remain out of the public eye from now on, but they were presently surprised at 5:45 PM when Taylor tweeted "Just picked out the exact dimensions of my future fireplace. It was exhilarating." through her twitter account (@taylorswift13). In honor of her returning I am dedicating my Music Monday list to Taylor Swift songs of the 'slower' gener.

1. The Best Day by Taylor Swift
2. Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift
3. Breathe by Taylor Swift feat. Colbie Caillet
4. Tied Together With a Smile by Taylor Swift
5. Mary's Song (Oh My My My) by Taylor Swift

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jimmy Kimmel Spoof..."A Swift Kick in the Nuts"

I won't ruin it so look at this very funny clip of the Jimmy Kimmel Show titled "A Swift Kick in the Nuts".

Republicans say if healthcare reform is passed they won't talk to Obama

Great analysis from The Young Turks in this clip. A Republican Congressman said that if health care reform is passed, he and the party would not speak to the President until he repealed his programs of 'tyranny'. How are we suppose to get legislation passed if 40% of Congress doesn't speak...well on second thought that kind of sounds nice.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

FOX News claims CNN didn't cover teaparty rally

Rick Sanchez, a CNN anchor, brings the hammer down own FOX News who ran a full page ad in the Washington Post claiming that CNN and many other networks did not cover the rally. Whats ironic is not the CNN did in fact extensively cover it, or that Bill O'Reilly even did a segment on CNN's coverage, but that in the ad FOX used a photo taken by a CNN TV camera. In the add claiming CNN hadn't covered the story they used evidence of CNN covering the event. I have no more words to describe the complete boldness of FOX News' lies.
To see a clip of Rick Sanchez chastising FOX News click here.
According to Fox News they meant that the other networks did not cover the 'real' story. Really, according to this clip the producers of Fox News are whipping the crowd to make them more excited for a broadcast. I don't think that's journalism and I'm pretty sure its not fair and balanced.

Informed People for a Public Option

Recently saw a Downingtown West group labeled stop government run healthcare care which had a lot of misleading information. They were not open to differing opinion so I created my own group. Below are some quotes and my analysis.

"the government needs to eliminate the public option because a single payer system will bring down private insurance."
--Two things are wrong with this. One the public option is not single payer it acts just like a private insurance company it just has less overhead and no profit. Second your argument is that the prices the government can provide, without receiving taxpayer money, will be so good private insurance can't compete...isn't that what I want!

"our health care is the best in the world"
--While the US does have very advanced medical techniques the availability of these is EXTREMELY limited to only the very rich. This is why our life expectancy is lower than other countries such as France.

"arnt we over 9 trillion dollars in debt? there is no possible way we can afford a 900 billion dollar healthcare plan"
--Actually it is only 1.56 trillion and much of this is from the Bush Administration who, during stable economic times, increased the defect by over a trillion dollars. And if nothing is done to revamp the healthcare system Americans will have to pay more in taxes to pay for those who receive treatment from a hospital but don't have insurance.

My Least Favorite Sex Position...

My least favorite sex position is called the Taylor Swift; getting interrupted half way through.

I also enjoyed her urban dictionary definition

Taylor Swift: Hotter than your girlfriend.
(Ex. in sentence) "Taylor Swift is hotter than your girlfriend"

PLUS the best performance at the VMAs

The University of I Don't Remember

Glenn Beck cited a source when declaring that there were 1.7 million people at the anti-healthcare demonstration rather than the actual 60,000. What source was it?...The University of I Don't Remember. After some research I found the UIDR slogan, 'UIDR, making shit up for Glenn Beck since 1980'. Alright, in all seriousness this clip from The Young Turks explains how Glenn Beck flat out lied to make the protest seem important.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Valentines Day Trailer

A new trailer for Valentines Day has surfaced. Why do I care has Taylor Swift in it (but she's not in the trailer). Plus I only had two posts for today. The movie seems to be one of those 'one day six lives/intertwined events' so we'll see if they can pull it off.

SNL Joe Wilson Clip

SNL does a very funny interpretation of the Joe 'You Lie' Wilson incident (Clip).

Tampa Bay Radio Station 93.3 FLZ & The MJ Morning Show...are dead to me

My Dead to Me list has quickly tripled in size to include the Tampa Bay Radio Station 93.3 FLZ & its program the MJ Moring Show. Both were extremely disrespectful to Taylor who when asked about Kanye said that she was very thankful for the support she received (including flowers from Janet Jackson) and was looking forward to putting the event behind her (clip). After 'MJ' repeatedly asked her questions about the incident Taylor responded by saying ""You know, honestly, I'm trying not to make it into a bigger deal than it already is. It's kind of become more of a bigger deal than I thought it would be. I would just like to move on a little bit. ... I didn't know what to think but I think we should talk about something else. It's nothing I feel like we should talk about." Then when told that "This is what everyone is gonna talk about why shouldn't I" Taylor said it is but after I've asked them not to three times I think they would have stopped. 'MJ' then began to ask another Kanye related question and Taylor handed the phone to her publicist who announced that Taylor was moving on to another interview and hung up.
This is not thee first time an artist has walked out on 'MJ'. Miley Cyrus walked out after just 90 seconds of a previous interview.
Maybe 'MJ' should take a look at how a real Taylor Swift interview should be conducted

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Just viewed a recent clip form The Young Turks which analyzes an interview Fox News Host Bill O'Reilly had with a guest in which he said he wanted the government to run a program that kept health care costs low for working class Americans. Now some, especially those that support/agree with my political views, may ask why this is news and my response is that ITS FOX NEWS. These have been the people creating the cloud of doubt, confusion, and anger over health care reform. The Young Turks do give some reasons why O'Reilly may be doing this, one being that the public option appears to be long since bargained away. Either way though, the man who I believe is the most intelligent on Fox News (which is good and bad) has certainly shocked me. He has budged from a stance that Republican Senators and Congressman certainly won't.

The Difference Between Capitalsim and Corporatism

A clip of Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story was released today and it got me thinking about how the economy and politics really work.

I have always been and continue to believe that the only economy that drives initiative, research, and creativity is a capitalist one but, that does not mean it needs to be dominated by big business and corporations. America's early economy was set up under Adam Smith's laissez faire economic principles and big business thrived but, without regulation they began to monopolize markets and work as trusts to drive up costs.

The difference between capitalists and corporatists is that capitalists believe in choice, free markets and competition while corporatists believe in the opposite. They don't want any competition at all. They want to eliminate the competition using their power, their entrenched position and usually the politicians they've purchased. They want to capture the system and use it only for their benefit.

I don't blame them. They're trying to make a buck. And it's a hell of a lot easier making money when you don't have competition or truly free markets or consumer choice.

What we have to do is stop pretending that most politicians are out for our best interests. As shown in Michael Moore's clip when a leader of a huge corporation can tell the PRESIDENT "You're gonna have to speed it" we never have control or power.

Normally I shy away from Michael Moore but in this case he appears to hit the nail right on the head.

To read more about this issue see political analysis and host of The Young Turks (the first Internet politics show) blog here

Keep F***ing that Chicken

New York broadcaster Ernie Anastos had a momentary lapse of thought when on live TV he dropped the F-bomb (clip). While talking to a weather reporter during a transition between two stories Anastos told the reporter, "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast, Nick." Looking confused, the reporter responded, "I guess that's me."

Without missing a beat, Anastos continued, "Keep f***ing that chicken," a completely bewildering phrase that made co-anchor Dari Alexander's eyes bug out of her head. Gregory, for his part, just threw his hands up and shook his head.

The New Leader of the Taylor Swift War Wagon

If I had a vote, I would have to name Vince Romanelli leader of the Taylor Swift War Wagon. Why, you ask. Because of this amazing video parody of You Belong With Me. Romanelli's version, called You Don't Belong on MTV, is extremely creative & hilarious (yet very true). Like always I could write endlessly but I’ll let the clip speak for itself.


You're on the stage with your big mouth, you're upset
You're going off about something you don't get
Now the crowd is starting to boo you...

Beyonce's in the room, it's a VMA Sunday night
Seems like every year you're looking for a fight
This time you picked on the wrong girl...

She wears cool boots, you have bad hair
She plays a 12 string, and you use autotune
Dreamin' 'bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for, she's had the whole time

Can't you see that no-one really even likes you
now you know the truth
why can't you see...
you don't belong on mtv

Lets start by looking back on the last year or two
cant deny that shes selling more CDs than you
Nashvilles sipping sweet tea thinking to themselves
theyre (harder better faster stronger clip)

you were best with the wires in your jaw
so you could barely speak anywords at all
and now we know youre not better than that
youre just a no talent hack

She wears cool boots, you have bad hair -
she plays a 12 string, you use Autotune -
dreamin' 'bout the day when you'll wake up and find,
that you're what you're looking for, she's had the whole time

Can't you see that no-one really even likes you
please stop doing what you do
why can't you don't belong on mtv

I Missed Music Monday...

So I missed music Monday but since I'm applying for an elbows music blog
spot I figured I needed more music posts. So here are my 5 songs of
the week

1. Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys --Alicia Keys steals the show in this instant hit by hip/hop legend Jay Z. Her renditions during the chorus show off an amazing vocal range.
2. Best Days of Your Life - Kellie Pickler & Taylor Swift --Great collaboration by two great country artists with a fantastic pop crossover sound.
3. You Only Get What You Give - New Radicals --Pure 90's, but so good. The last verse outlines everything that is happening in America today which is amazing considering it was written 10 years ago.
4. She Wolf - Shakira --This is sort of an honorable mention for a song I failed to mention last Monday on my twitter account, but after hearing it again I still gotta say I love it.
5. Smile - Uncle Kracker --I was certain Uncle Kracker was gonna be a 'one-hit-wonder' after follow me had such success, but after listening to smile I was happily proved wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Downingtown West Girls Soccer!

Today ESPN released the week 2 rankings of the top high school soccer teams in the nation and...our own Downingtown West Whippets are #2 in the nation! Congratulations on starting the season 3-0 and good luck for the rest of the season.

The Senate Finance Commitee finally comes out with there healthcare plan

In big political news the Senate Finance Committee has finally published their health care plan one likes it. After the Democrates have buckled a million times the Republicans continue to say they will not vote for reform. In addition, Democrats are saying that the bill is far to weak to pass the House. Congressman Anthony Weiner, a progressive leader on the issue, said

"While we all should commend these six Senators for their sincere
efforts, it is clear that their product fails to achieve two important
goals of the plan: cost containment and true choice. Only a public
option does that."

Obama and many politicians saw this bill as the 'bi-partisan' compromise but with its lack of support the future of health care reform is unknown. This could be very good...or VERY bad.

Rush Limbaugh says Obama want's American white kids to get beat up by black kids

A fight between two black students and one white student on a bus ride in Illinois is being made into a race issue. In this clip Lou Dobbs frames the case as a race issue and the Rush Limbaugh takes it to all whole new level. What they leave out is that the fight is broken up by two black students. I could go on and on but the clip speaks for itself...

Birther Challenge Thrown Out of Court

Today a U.S. District Court Judge threw out a complaint questioning the president's birth from an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq and gave a warning to her lawyer, birther maven Orly Taitz...and it's about god damn time. This shame of a trial has gone on for far to long. Her main evidence, a forged birth certificate from Kenya was proved to be completely false for many reasons including the fact that the name of the country was incorrect for the year it says Obama was born.

In addition to having the case thrown out, the judge put the lawyer on notice stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar "frivolous" lawsuit in his court.

Taitz responded by saying, "Listen, Nelson Mandela stayed in prison for years in order to get to the truth and justice." You can see her defending her case here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obama calls Kanye a 'Jackass'

During an interview(audio) with CNBC Obama was talking during an 'off the record conversation' when he was overheard calling Kanye West a "jackass" regarding his behavior at the MTV Video Music Awards. The remark was made in an off-the-record portion of the interview that was tweeted -- and then deleted -- by ABC News reporter Terry Moran.

"Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a 'jackass' for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT'S presidential," Moran wrote.

I think that Obama speaks for the nation in his quote, but I also think it was extremely unprofessional for ABC to post that given the fact that it was off-the-record banter not part of the actual interview.

There are some great photos of Kanye West interupting other moments in history.

Former Speech Writer for Bush Speaks

As more and more facts come out about the Bush Administration I continue to laugh at the unbeleiveable circus it was. The lastest news maker was George W. Bush’s former speechwriter, Matt Latimer, who is releasing a book titled, Speech-Less: Tales of a White House Survivor. Some excerpts have been leaked including four very interesting quotes.

On Barack Obama: “This is a dangerous world and this cat isn’t remotely qualified to handle it. This guy has no clue, I promise you.”

On Joe Biden: “If bull was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.”

On Sarah Palin: “I’m trying to remember if I’ve met her before. What is she, the governor of Guam?”

On Hillary Clinton: “Wait till her fat keister is sitting at this desk.”

Need I say more?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West Apoligizes (Leno Version)

After viewing the Leno interview with Kanye I won't budge from my 'Dead to Me' stance. He is officially still dead to me but, if he backs up what he said he would do, I could budge from my stance.
Kanye seemed to understand that he was in the wrong, but at some points I doubted if he could really change. He was asked by Leno "When did you realize you had done wrong" and Kanye replies "When I handed her the mic back". This contradicts the fake apology he posted on his website though.
In the end he said he would like to take a break, apologize to Taylor and help her in any way possible. If I see a true change in his overall righteous attitude I could forgive him(haha like he cares...but I think overall it would go a long way to regain/gain new fans)
The guy who benefits the most from this is Jay Leno who's opening night ratings will be better than expected but I have a feeling it won't do as well as expected



Today Taylor Swift did a fairly brief interview with The View. Taylor talked about her reaction during the moment as " “Don’t trip and fall” to “Oh, Kanye West is here” to “Cool haircut. What are you doing here? And then 'ouch'. And then, I guess I’m not going to get to thank the fans.” "
She also sad that Kanye has not yet reached out to apoligize to her personally which is disappointing given the potential his Leno interview had.
Before she went to perform to of her songs (fifteen, and you belong with me) she announced that she had bought her first condo. This news has gone under the radar which is surprising given the fact that her career has been built, at least somewhat, on her 'good girl, still lives with her mother' attitude.
All in all I'm glad to see she has already moved on and is continuing to gain popularity.

Celeb Reaction to THE incident at the VMAs


P!nk: Kanye west is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me.
My heart goes out to taylor swift. She is a sweet and talented girl and
deserved her moment. She should know we all love her.
Beyonce is a classy lady.I feel for her, too.Its not her fault at all, and
her and taylor did their thing. And douche bag got kicked out. HA

This is great because as Kanye left the stage (to a tirade of boos) he gives the crowd the middle finger. Then Pink walks over to him and begins to yell at him until security arrives to bring her back to her seat and to escort Kanye out of the building!

Kellie Pickler: Tator Tot, you handled yourself with Grace. Kanye, go grow some f-ing balls bitch! don't mess
w/my lil sis!!

As seen in my earlier post I could not agree with this tweet more.

Kelly Clarkson: Dear Kanye,
What happened to you as a child?? Did you not get hugged enough?? Something must
have happened to make you this way and I think we’re all just curious as to what would
make a grown man go on national television and make a talented artist, let alone
teenager, feel like shit. I mean, I’ve seen you do some pretty shitty things, but you just
keep amazing me with your tactless, asshole ways. It’s absolutely fascinating how much I
don’t like you. I like everyone. The best part of this evening is that you weren’t even up
for THIS award and yet you still have a problem with the outcome. Is winning a moon man
that much of a life goal?? You can have mine if it will shut you up. Is it that important,
really?? I was actually nominated in the same category that Taylor won and I was excited
for her…so why can’t you be?? I’m not even mad at you for being an asshole…I just pity
you because you’re a sad human being.

On a side note, Beyonce has always been a class act and proved again tonight that she
still is. Go TEXAS!!
Taylor Swift, you outsell him ….that’s why he’s bitter. You know I love your work! Keep it
up girl!

This is great. I couldn't have said it better!


So true! It like when a fifth grader starts picking on a kindergartner and everyone tells him to go pick on someone your own size.

Also Beyonce was very classy, whether it was to help her cred or not, by inviting Taylor back on stage to finish her speech.

These are my new favorite people! Congrats

The VMAs...I'll try to keep this under control

If you somehow missed it or would like to see THE event again here is a link to a story and video.
Taylor Swift was nominated for Female Video of the Year along with
Katy Perry: Hot & Cold
Kelly Clarkson: My Life Would Suck Without You
Lady Gaga: Poker Face
P!nk: So What
Beyonce: Single Ladies
After reviewing all of the videos I still believe that Taylor's video was far better than Single Ladies. While I am clearly a but biased, I believe that Taylor's video was extremely creative and well designed. On the other hand Single Ladies was very well choreographed but lacked any sign of creativity. Seriously, it was her running in circles for 3 and half minutes. But I digress, that is not the point of this post.
My feeling on this is that Kanye West has showed time and time again that he cannot control himself at awards shows or on live TV. If he would have had even an ounce of self restrain he would have been able to witness that fact the Beyonce's video did indeed win the high honor of Video of the Year (even more prestigious than the award Taylor received).
By going on that stage he knowingly took away the symbolic moment of Taylor crossing over from the niche of country music to mainstream pop music. In the end though, because Taylor showed that she (unlike Kanye) does have self restrain, managed to leave the stage without any other incidents. This just shows how classy she really is and it will ultimately improve her career. Already "You Belong with Me" has jumped from number 13 on the iTunes chart to number 7.
After the show Kanye made a non-apology apology on his blog. That is less than an apology. He says that she should give up her award b/c he gave up one award once. How about all the times he's bitched b/c he hasn't won. He's just another hypocrite. Taylor worked hard and has sold more albums than any other artist this year. So she certainly deserves to be a contender for the award. No matter what your opinion is though, the way Kanye acted and continues to act is unacceptable which is why Kanye West will be the first member of my "DEAD TO ME" list.

After the incident many celebs tweeted/blogged about it and their responses can be seen in my next post.

All in all I would like to again congratulate Taylor Swift! and I can't wait to see her win more awards and for the release of Fearless the Deluxe Edition on Oct. 27! <3ts<3

Not another Taylor Swift blog...

Now if anyone is actually reading this I know what you're think...OMFG another Taylor Swift blog/fansite. I have taken this idea and changed it a little. Instead of a basic fan blog, this is a blog about the life of a very dedicated Taylor Swift fan. This blog will not be dedicated or even dominated by Taylor Swift stories but rather will be about life from a different, and hopefully interesting, point of view.

Get ready...