Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanks for Playing

Ladies & Gentleman, Thanks for playing
It was fun while it lasted
But let's all be honest
This wasn't going anywhere
No one was going to win
No prizes were to be awarded
Zero was your chance of success
You put up a good fight
I've never seen someone work so hard
But at the end of the day
It doesn't make the least bit of difference
Because everyone's going home empty handed

Wuthering Heights

An Original Poem
Inspired by the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

I have not forgotten someone that looked like you
Only the being they have replaced you with
You claim to love me with all your heart
But you look at me as a mistress does her servant

You're repuatation has become most important
It has destroyed you, corroded you from the inside
Taken what I loved most and shattered it
Made it something common and uneventful

How am I to compare to the eligible Edgar
Where am I to obtain his wealth
What can I provide that he cannot
Who you will choose is not a mystery

You say my passion is of hate not love
But what am I to love about this world
A dead father, a brutish brother, an unfaithful lover
I can curse the world but the only curse is on me

Prepare to Fight

An Original Poem

Up in the tallest tower she's kept
Isolated from me like a fish from land
I fight to see her knowing full well
She's a prize I will never possess

But I still fight to make my presence known
I spar with a fire breathing dragon named failure
He better not harm us
Unless he want to meet my one man army

Because even though I'm a sizeable underdog
I promise not to yield until
Every ounce of my blood has been spilled
Or all of my limbs have been dismembered

I will never surrender to him
Because giving up mid fight is a bigger loss
Not only will I lose her but myself as well
So I say to my opponents, Prepare to fight