Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Outlook on Life

Nerds- The best kind of people in the world. The brightest, smartest, most talented group of students in the universe. We'll study as much as we can and we are not afraid to take it to the library. We will most likely own our own companies and make 500,000 dollars a year. We'll be proud to be 30 with homes in six states and be notorious for deal making. Ladies love us. Guys want to be us. We are the brains of the universe.


  1. so girls can't be nerds? :) (monica)

  2. haha, I can' believe you still read this. I'll have to start writing again. I actually copied this from Tyler Rankel (his was about lacrosse players) So I just kept that from above. I'll post the original below.

    "Lacrosse Players- The best kind of person in the world. The illiest, toughest, most talented group of athletes in the universe. Will booze as much as we can and we are not afraid to take it the fuck home. Most likely go pro but only to make 500 dollars a game, proud to be 30 with no liver left, always a crowd pleaser. Ladies love us. Guys want to be us. We are the soul of the universe."

  3. hahah, i like your alterations in comparison with the original, very clever! and i don't keep up on a daily basis, in case you were curious. i just happened to click onto your blog last night for the first time in a month or two. but if you continue to post, i will continue to read! (monica) :]
